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Algebraic Datatype

Algebraic Datatype (ADT) is a special kind of inductive types that are essential in functional programming and type theory. They are used to define composite types by combining other types using sum types (also known as variants) and product types. ADTs are particularly useful for modeling data that can take multiple distinct forms, and they are foundational in expressing complex structures such as trees, lists, and option types. In Saki, ADTs are defined using the enum keyword and can be parameterized by types and type classes, with the ability to incorporate contract universes for constrained types.

Syntax of Algebraic Datatypes

The syntax for defining ADTs in Saki follows a straightforward pattern:

InductiveCons     ::= Ident (‘(’ Term (‘,’ Term)* ‘)’)?
InductiveTypeTerm ::= ‘inductive’ ‘{’ InductiveCons (‘,’ InductiveCons)* ‘}’
  • EnumCons: Represents each constructor of the algebraic datatype. A constructor can either be a simple identifier (like None) or an identifier with parameters (like Some(A)).
  • EnumTypeTerm: The ADT is introduced using the inductive keyword, followed by a list of constructors enclosed in braces {}. Multiple constructors can be defined, separated by commas.

Each constructor defines a specific form that a value of the ADT can take, either as a simple tag or as a combination of different types. ADTs in Saki resemble sum types in type theory, where each constructor defines a possible variant of the type.

Algebraic Data Types can be understood as sum types in type theory, which are defined using coproducts. A sum type, like A + B, represents a type that can hold either a value of type A or a value of type B. In the context of ADTs: - Each constructor of the ADT corresponds to an inclusion map into the coproduct. - The ADT represents the disjoint union of its constructors.

For instance, the type Option(A) is defined as: $$ \text{Option}(A) \cong 1 + A $$ Where:

  • 1 represents the None constructor (the unit type), indicating absence.
  • A represents the Some constructor, indicating presence.

Similarly, the tree type Tree[A] can be seen as: $$ \text{Tree}(A) \cong 1 + (\text{Color} \times A \times \text{Tree}(A) \times \text{Tree}(A)) $$ This reflects the two possible forms of the tree:

  • A Leaf (represented by 1).
  • A Node, which holds a Color, a value of type A, and two subtrees of type Tree[A].

Examples of ADTs in Saki

Simple Algebraic Data Type: Color

The following is an example of a simple ADT called Color, which represents a type with no parameters and has two distinct values: Red and Black.

type Color = inductive { Red; Black }

In this case, Color is a sum type with two possible values, Red and Black. Each constructor defines a unique value of the Color type. This is a basic example of an ADT, where no additional parameters or data are required.

Parameterized Algebraic Data Type: Option

The Option type is a more complex example of an ADT. It represents a type that can either contain a value of type A or no value at all.

type Option(A: 'Type) = inductive {
  • Option(A): A generic ADT parameterized by a type A.
  • None: A constructor representing the absence of a value.
  • Some(A): A constructor representing the presence of a value of type A.

Nested Algebraic Data Type: List

The following example illustrates a recursive ADT that defines a list structure. The List type is parameterized by a type A and has two constructors: Nil, representing an empty list, and Cons, which constructs a new list by prepending an element of type A to an existing list of type List[A].

type List[A: 'Type] = inductive {
    Cons(A, List[A])
  • Nil: Represents an empty list.
  • Cons(A, List[A]): Represents a non-empty list, where the first element is of type A and the rest is a list of type List[A].

Tree Structure Using ADTs: Tree

The following example defines a binary tree structure, where each node contains a color, a value of type A, and two subtrees of the same type Tree[A].

type Tree[A: 'Type] = inductive {
    Node(Color, A, Tree[A], Tree[A])
  • Leaf: Represents a leaf node, which has no data.
  • Node(Color, A, Tree[A], Tree[A]): Represents an internal node that contains a value of type A, a Color, and two subtrees of type Tree[A].

ADT/Inductive Constructor Access

In Saki, the constructors of inductive types (including ADTs) can be accessed using the :: operator. For example:

type Option(A: 'Type) = inductive {

eval Option(Int)::None
eval Option(String)::Some