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Function (Lambda)

Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions in Saki serve as anonymous functions, allowing computations to be defined concisely and utilized without requiring a named identifier. These expressions are automatically curried, meaning that a function expecting multiple parameters is interpreted as a sequence of unary functions, each taking a single argument and returning a new function. This implicit currying supports partial application, a powerful feature in functional programming.

Syntax of Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions in Saki are defined using a specific syntax to ensure type safety and expressiveness. The core syntax is as follows:

ParamBinding    ::= ‘self’ 
                  | Ident+ ‘:’ Term
ParamList       ::= ParamBinding (‘,’ ParamBinding)*
FuncTerm        ::= ‘(’ ParamList ‘)’ ‘=>’ Term
  • ParamBinding: Represents each parameter in a function, specifying the parameter name (Ident) and its type (Term). In Saki, self is a special keyword used to refer to the current instance, commonly in implementation contexts (e.g., in classes or modules).

  • ParamList: A list of ParamBindings separated by commas, enclosed in a pair of parentheses. This structure defines the parameters accepted by the lambda function.

  • FuncTerm: Specifies the function body following the => symbol. This term represents the operation applied to the parameters provided in ParamList.

Syntax of Lambda Types

The syntax of function types in Saki follows the common notation used in functional programming and type theory. A function type is composed of a domain and codomain, separated by an arrow (->). Formally, this is expressed as:

FuncType    ::= Term "->" Term

Here, A -> B represents the type of a function that takes an argument of the first type (A) and returns a value of the second type (B). This notation generalizes higher-order functions, where both the input and output can themselves be functions, and extends naturally to the lambda calculus formulation of functions.

Typing Rules

The basic typing rule for functions follows from the lambda calculus. For a function term \(\lambda (x: T_1) . t\) that takes an argument \(x\) of type \(T_1\) and returns a result \(t\) of type \(T_2\), the corresponding typing rule is: $$ \frac{\Gamma, x: T_1 \vdash t: T_2}{\Gamma \vdash \lambda (x: T_1) \,.\, t : T_1 \rightarrow T_2} $$

This states that: Given a context \(\Gamma\) and assuming that \(x\) is a variable of type \(T_1\), if the term \(t\) has type \(T_2\), then the lambda abstraction \(\lambda (x: T_1) . t\) (a function taking \(x\) as an argument) has the type \(T_1 \rightarrow T_2\).

Subtyping Relationship

Subtyping in function types adheres to the principles of contravariance for the argument types and covariance for the return types. This is formally captured by the subtyping rule for function types: $$ \frac{\Gamma \vdash A_1 >: B_1 \quad A_2 <: B_2}{\Gamma \vdash A_1 \rightarrow A_2 <: B_1 \rightarrow B_2} $$

  • Contravariance in the argument: If \(A_1\) is a supertype of \(B_1\) (\(A_1 >: B_1\)), then we can safely replace \(B_1\) with \(A_1\) in the function's input position, meaning that \(A_1 \rightarrow A_2\) is a subtype of \(B_1 \rightarrow A_2\).
  • Covariance in the return: If \(A_2\) is a subtype of \(B_2\) (\(A_2 <: B_2\)), then the result type can safely be replaced with a more general type, preserving the function's output.

Basic Lambda Expression

A lambda function that increments an integer by 1 is defined as:

(x: ℤ): ℤ => x + 1

Here, x is the integer parameter, and the function returns the result of x + 1. The type of this function is: $$ \text{ℤ} \rightarrow \text{ℤ} $$

Lambda Expression with Block Syntax

Block syntax is supported to handle more complex operations within the function body. For example:

(x: ℤ): ℤ => { x + 1 }

This expression performs the same operation as the previous one but includes braces ({}), allowing more complex logic within the lambda.

Multiple Parameters

Lambda expressions in Saki can take multiple parameters, illustrated as follows:

(x y: ℤ): ℤ => x + y

This lambda expression takes two integers, x and y, and returns their sum. The type of this lambda expression is: $$ \text{ℤ} \rightarrow \text{ℤ} \rightarrow \text{ℤ} $$

Since functions are curried in Saki, this means the lambda takes an argument of type and returns a new function that also takes an argument of type and returns an . Curried functions enable partial application, meaning that this function can be applied to one argument at a time.

Lambda as an Argument

Suppose we have the following definitions:

type List[T: 'Type] = inductive {
    Cons(T, List[T])

def map(transform: ℤ -> ℤ, list: List[ℤ]): List[ℤ] = match list {
    case List[ℤ]::Nil => List[ℤ]::Nil
    case List[ℤ]::Cons(head, tail) => List[ℤ]::Cons(transform head, map transform tail)

This map function applies a transformation to each element of a list of integers. The type of map is: $$ (\text{ℤ} \rightarrow \text{ℤ}) \rightarrow \text{List}[\text{ℤ}] \rightarrow \text{List}[\text{ℤ}] $$

Since functions are curried, map can take a single argument (the transformation function of type ℤ -> ℤ) and return another function that expects a list of integers (List[ℤ]) and returns a transformed list (List[ℤ]).

An example of using map with a lambda expression:

type List[T: 'Type] = inductive {
    Cons(T, List[T])

def map(transform: ℤ -> ℤ, list: List[ℤ]): List[ℤ] = match list {
    case List[ℤ]::Nil => List[ℤ]::Nil
    case List[ℤ]::Cons(head, tail) => List[ℤ]::Cons(transform head, map transform tail)

eval {
    let list = List[ℤ]::Cons(1, List[ℤ]::Cons(2, List[ℤ]::Cons(3, List[ℤ]::Nil)))
    map ((x: ℤ) => x + 1) list

Here, the lambda (x: ℤ) => x + 1 is passed as the transform argument. The type of the lambda is ℤ -> ℤ, and the application of map returns a new function that accepts a List[ℤ] and returns a transformed List[ℤ].

In addition, the return type of the lambda expression is not nessessarily to be identical to the argument type. Consider a filter function that takes a list and a predicate (a function that returns a boolean), returning a list of elements that satisfy the predicate:

def filter(list: List[ℤ], predicate: ℤ -> Bool): List[ℤ] = match list {
    case List[ℤ]::Nil => List[ℤ]::Nil
    case List[ℤ]::Cons(head, tail) => {
        if predicate head then {
            List[ℤ]::Cons(head, tail.filter(predicate))
        } else {

The type of filter is: $$ \text{List}[\text{ℤ}] \rightarrow (\text{𝔹} \rightarrow \text{ℤ}) \rightarrow \text{List}[\text{ℤ}] $$

To use filter, we can pass a lambda to filter out negative numbers:

type List[T: 'Type] = inductive {
    Cons(T, List[T])

def filter(list: List[ℤ], predicate: ℤ -> Bool): List[ℤ] = match list {
    case List[ℤ]::Nil => List[ℤ]::Nil
    case List[ℤ]::Cons(head, tail) => {
        if predicate head then {
            List[ℤ]::Cons(head, tail.filter(predicate))
        } else {

eval {
    let list = List[ℤ]::Cons(-1, List[ℤ]::Cons(2, List[ℤ]::Cons(-3, List[ℤ]::Nil)))
    list.filter((x: ℤ) => x > 0) 

The lambda (x: ℤ) => x > 0 has the type ℤ -> Bool, and the result of filter will be a new list containing only the positive integers from the original list.

Partial Application of Curried Functions

Due to currying, functions in Saki can be partially applied. For example:

type List[T: 'Type] = inductive {
    Cons(T, List[T])

def map(transform: ℤ -> ℤ, list: List[ℤ]): List[ℤ] = match list {
    case List[ℤ]::Nil => List[ℤ]::Nil
    case List[ℤ]::Cons(head, tail) => List[ℤ]::Cons(transform head, map transform tail)

eval {
    let list = List[ℤ]::Cons(1, List[ℤ]::Cons(2, List[ℤ]::Cons(3, List[ℤ]::Nil)))
    let incrementAll = map ((x: ℤ) => x + 1)
    incrementAll list

In this case, incrementAll is a partially applied version of map, accepting a list of integers and returning a list with each element incremented by 1. The resulting type of incrementAll is: $$ \text{List}[\text{ℤ}] \rightarrow \text{List}[\text{ℤ}] $$

This means incrementAll is now a function that takes a list of integers and returns a list of integers where each element has been incremented by 1.

Omitting Type Annotations in Lambda Expressions

When a lambda is passed as an argument and the type can be inferred, type annotations can often be omitted:

map (|x| => x + 1) list

In this example, x is inferred to be of type from the context of map’s signature. This reduces verbosity without compromising type safety.

Syntactic Sugar for Lambda Expressions

Saki supports syntax simplifications for lambda expressions. When a lambda is the final argument to a function, parentheses around the lambda can be omitted, as can the => symbol:

map list |x| { x + 1 }

The type of this lambda remains the same: $$ \text{ℤ} \rightarrow \text{ℤ} $$

Lambda Returning Another Lambda (Curried Function)

Lambda expressions in Saki can return other lambdas, facilitating nested function applications. For example:

let multiply = (x: ℤ) => (y: ℤ) => x * y

The type of multiply is: $$ \text{ℤ} \rightarrow \text{ℤ} \rightarrow \text{ℤ} $$

This function takes an integer x and returns a new function that takes another integer y and returns the product x * y. You can partially apply this function:

When partially applied, multiply 2, for instance, produces a function ℤ -> ℤ that doubles any integer input:

eval {
    let multiply = (x: ℤ) => (y: ℤ) => x * y
    multiply 2